Well we did
it! We made it to the happiest place on earth! Walt Disney World! We have been
planning for 3 years and finally saved the money and went all in! We did the
resort, dining plan, four days in the park, the whole she-bang!! And it was
magical! But the funny thing was it wasn’t The Mouse that made this vacation
magical. It was a whole new level of magic for me.
Okay so let’s
be honest if you’re on Pinterest you know there are hundreds of blogs designed
for “The Best Disney Trip with Toddlers” or “The Money Saving Disney Trip” or “How
To Get The Most Out of WDW” and I, being the planner that I am, read most (okay
all) of the ones I came across! I was on Disney Download Mode!! I had all the
tips, secrets and packing lists of those who have gone before me. I downloaded
the app with our reservations and ride wait times on my phone. I found a double
jogging stroller for those late nights in the parks. I booked with THE BEST
Disney travel agent there is—message me for her contact info J -- I was ready! And then we made it
to Disney and half of my plans went out the window! For starters, it rained
every day we were there. Now I had read the blog about how September is bad for
rain but it usually clears up after about 20 minutes so throw a poncho on and
wait it out! Well, it didn’t! It rained and then misted and then drizzled and
then poured! So we were a tad soggy on a daily basis! The bright side is the rain
did wash away the sweat we had accumulated the first few hours of the morning.
Florida in late September, not as crisp as one would think! No light jacket
needed for after the sun goes down! So there was the rain-strike 1.
Then there
were the crowds! But wait, my blog experts all told me the end of September was
a slow time for crowds!? Well apparently the late September of 2014 was when
everyone decided to go to Disney so they wouldn’t have to wait!! Soooo wait we
all did! It seemed like every park we chose to go to that day, our resort was
totally mind-vibing me and doing the same thing!! (Did yall like that new word
I made up? Yeah, me too!) Buses were slammed, we prayed for seats to sit down
at the end of the day and honestly we didn’t end up winning the bus seat
lottery too much! BUT our double stroller made it super easy for us to stand in a packed bus though….can you feel my
sarcasm? So, each morning we packed our patience as we headed out the door and
reminded the kids to do the same! One took it pretty well, the other…well let’s
just say waiting in line for Eli is like trying to hold a greased watermelon.
Wiggly, tiring and just plain hard!! So great—strike two!
But guess
what guys?? There isn’t a strike three. I didn’t strike out! You know why??
Because miraculously by the grace of God I didn’t freak out about my schedule
that was shot and my two strikes!! This is a monumental thing for me if you
know me at all! Each morning I would wake up before my family and pray for an
amazing day. I would ask God for good weather, short lines, happy children and
to help me not miss Him in the day. And he delivered. Like He always does. I
didn’t miss Him. I wasn’t so busy worrying about the weather and wait lines and
if my kids/parents were going to be happy with my plan for the day that I
missed Him. I caught the whispers and the taps on my shoulder. Look at their
faces. Listen to their laughter. Isn’t it magical?! And it was.

God was so
wonderful to me. He helped me make some of the most precious memories with my
family! I am so grateful. And this made me think. Maybe I should share my Top
Ten Do’s for Disney as well! So, here you are my friends…. this is how I Danced
through Disney World and why I can’t wait to go back!!
1. Watch your kids’ faces. Really watch them. Watch how their eyes dance at the sounds
and lights all around them. Don’t miss the excitement when they see their
favorite character because you are checking the wait time to see if it fits into
your day!
2. Dance with your child down Main Street. I know you’re not all dancers but
take advantage of the fact that this is the one place on earth you can dance
down a street holding the sweet hand of your 4 year old and not get arrested,
or committed! Make a memory with them that involves you, not their favorite
princess or ride.
3. Put your phone away. The WDW apps are great and posting to social media is fun but I promise
you if you give that phone a rest, you can really take it all in. Now I did
have my phone to grab pictures here and there and I did do one facebook post
each night but when my kids were awake and skipping through Epcot I saw it! And
ya know what, I won’t need my timehop to remind me of it in a few years, I’ll remember
it forever!
4. Play the part.
In Disney World everyone creates “the magic” for you. Characters, character
handlers and even shop workers. They all have their imagination running wild
and will answer your questions in a Disney-make-believe way. Jump in with them!
Pretend it’s all real with your kids. You won’t regret feeling a bit silly when
you see their face light up at your “pixie dust” moments. This is what I
started calling it when I would pretend along with everyone. The best was when
we pretended to shrink down to Tink’s size so we could have our picture made
with her! J
5. Remember that plans can change, and probably will. It’s great to go into the parks with
a plan, trust me, but it’s also important to be flexible with those plans. If
you want to leave the park early, leave. If you want to sleep in, sleep in. Don’t
let the fact that it’s not on “the schedule” dictate what your body and family
is telling you. Trust me, tired kids don’t always pack their patience!!
6. Pick one thing to do each day. Yep—just one. Let your kids choose one thing they have
to do. And then make sure you get that one thing done. Everything else is just
a bonus! Think about it, if you run to your first ride because it’s the BIG
ride and you know the line will be long later and you can’t afford to wait in
lines because there are 7 rides you have to ride today before lunch
reservations and so on and so on…..and you miss your kids seeing the castle for
the first time was it really worth it?? Now I will tell you HG’s one
thing was to see Anna and Elsa. It was a stressful hour and a half leading up to
it, but Mom and I braved the crowds and did it. I knew it was her one thing. I
wouldn’t want to do it again, but we did it. And her face was totally worth it! And the
rest of the day was carefree and relaxed because we had done her one thing!
Trust me on this!

7. Remember that Disney World is like an illegal drug for children. It makes them go a little bonkers!
There are tears sometimes. But tears don’t ruin a trip. Our reaction does. There
are frustrations for sure. But frustrations don’t ruin a trip. How we handle
them does. I mean c’mon this place has sugar, toy stores and the need to spend
on every corner! Of course the kids go a little crazy! Some people will
disagree with me and that’s okay, but we decided to take a step back and give
an extra dose of grace in the parks. If you expect your child to toe the line no
matter where you are I respect that. Completely. Matt and I simply decided that
our kids would probably melt down a few times here and there but we would
respond with hugs and loves and wiping of tears rather than punishments. Just
our 2 cents. P.S. If you don’t know this, it IS illegal to spank your children
in the state of Florida so just be careful if you’re a mom who spanks! I
personally think Walt Disney passed that law but it’s just a theory. J
8. Take mental pictures. If you miss that “one in a million” photograph, don’t stress.
Make a deliberate intention of taking in the faces and smiles that are usually
caught by a camera lens. If the amazing camera you brought from home is in the bottom
of your book bag and Minnie Mouse is rounding the corner don’t miss seeing your
little one’s face because you were digging for the camera. Pictures fade and
memory cards get accidentally deleted, but our mind stores things for a long,
long time my friends.
9. Pray each morning. It made such a difference on our trip. That’s my best piece of advice
because if you do this one thing, He will be faithful to you. The wait lines
and weather won’t affect his promises. Your heart will be in the right place
too. Putting Him first each morning puts a positive vibe in your mind and heart
that you can feel the whole day.
10. Be in the moment. Really be there. Try to not let your mind race ahead of you. Try not to
figure out exactly where to go next. Don’t miss the moment you’re in. Sit at
the table and look across at your family and burn it into your mind. After all,
you will never be there again. You will never be at that table, as a family,
with your kids at the age they are, in
that moment. It takes your breath away. You feel so blessed that all the
problems that could possibly arise in Disney (and probably will) seem like distant
thoughts. And while you’re living, really living, in that moment, remember to
give thanks to the One who gave it to you in the first place.
Well, that’s it--my Disney blog. I hope this one is different
for you than any other, not because it’s mine but because in all actuality it’s
His. I really got the chance to dance through Disney and God was the reason
why. I pray the same for you because this will be a trip I’ll never forget.