Sunday, October 30, 2011


I know you've heard it...that's so inspiring!! People say it all the time, maybe even you. It's interesting to me though...something that is inspiring to a certain person or maybe a group of people. People who have similar desires or interests usually share the same results. SO here's my question...what inspires you?? What helps you take that next step to being a more patient mommy, a creative choreographer, a blessing to those around you, a better person?
For me, it comes in three main forms.
1) This is creative Hiliarie speaking....Seeing a dance performed with so much passion you realize that the dancers' soul is left on the stage after their bodies exit. Watching true emotion being poured out in my favorite art form. This makes me want to choreograph the best and most meaning ful dances. It makes me want to push myself and my dancers to never settle for okay. To strive to be great. To strive to touch lives through our movement. There are dance performances I've seen in my life that have truly changed me. My goal is to one day have someone tell me that their life is better for seeing a dance I choreographed and/or danced. The dream of changing a life through dance inspires me.
2) This is Mommy Hiliarie speaking....Spending time with my fellow Mommy friends. I love to see how alike I am to my friends and also how different we all are. Some moms are the ones with the new recipe and can whip up a 3 course meal with her eyes closed. Some moms are the crafty ones who can take a q-tip, bobby pins and paper clips and create an award-winning science fair project. Some moms ooze style--they throw on a tank with a pair of jeans, a few accessories and they're out the door looking like a million bucks. Some moms are the silly and crazy ones always playing in the floor and making any child within a ten foot radius laugh! Some moms are the soft place their kids can fall into, knowing they will be there to hold them when this life gets tough. I have to say I was so very very blessed to have a mother who falls into three of these categories. That's pretty amazing for a mother! She is a great and creative cook, I always had great school projects and she still is my shoulder to cry on when the day is going all wrong. I am inspired to be a better mother by the amazing mommies around me and especially by my own mother.
3) This is Servent Hiliarie the precious quiet times spent with my Father in heaven. I love how a verse can literally jump off the page and apply directly to my life. It can make the difference in how I approach so many different facets of my life AND when it was written God knew it would affect me this way, this day!! I am loving soaking up God's word right now. Sometimes (and let's be honest we all probably do) I find it hard to read my bible everyday. The busyness overwhelms me and the NIV starts to collect some dust. BUT the great thing is that whenever I may choose to dust it off and open to my bookmark, the words are still there waiting to fill my day with hope and joy. And ya know what...God's still there too. He never leaves us. He patiently waits for us to give him some attention. Those quiet moments when I feel his presence and I realize, once again, I can take on the world...those moments inspire me to be the best daughter of The King I can be.
What inspires you?? How do you strive to be better each day? Have you ever thought about it before? Maybe not...maybe you should. Maybe we should all try to better ourselves on a daily basis. Just think, if everyone was working to make improvements on their insides, we might just see a big improvement on the outside....and on the generations to come.

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